21 Days of Focus
How I'm going to get through the "messy middle," as Michael Hyatt calls it. You can replace the words 'my business' with whatever you want. Such as, 'myself', 'my marriage', 'my family', 'my job', etc.
Just copy and paste this into a Word document. Then share this web page with your friends!
What activities or accomplishments will REALLY help my business move forward? Make them positive statements that are in the present tense, like 'I am smiling', instead of 'I will stop frowning' or 'I will start smiling'.
What affect will these have as I accomplish them?
Is that a good thing?
Do I need a specific motivation or reward to work on these each day? What's my reward then?
What are the action steps I can take each day for 21 days to get these done? Should each day be a little different?
- Day A:
- Day B:
- Day C:
 - Repeat seven more times
How do I need to get organized to accomplish these? Do I need to organize other things such as: What? or Who?
Where will I put my list of action steps so that I will see it everyday, no matter what?
What will I use to remind me through out the day?
 - A penny in my shoe, rubber band on my wrist, alarm in phone, calendar event, rock in my pocket, 3x5 card, something else? Do something to imprint these actions into the brain. Such as every time I feel the penny in my shoe, I think about these activities and ask myself if I've completed today's action steps.
Brought to you by: www.MICHAELFoKKEN.com