Let's Pretend...
I see lot's of problems in the world. And I don't know how to fix them. Sometimes because all I can think of doing is posting about it on some social media site. Ten people will see it, and then it will disappear into the vacuum of social media.
So, let's pretend.
I'll create a scenario, lay out the rules, and even if you don't think this is a real issue, pretend that it is. How would you handle it?
The ground rules:
- We are pretending. - Don't argue whether or not this is true. If you do... - I won't post your comment.
- No swearing. - I won't post your comment.
- Be respectful. - I won't post your comment.
- See a pattern yet? - If I don't post your comment and you leave an email, I'll email you and explain why. This will allow you to change your comment to allow it to be posted.
Let's Pretend... What if most media sources weren't telling the truth?
Let's Pretend... What if most media sources weren't telling the truth? What would you do to wake up others? How would you know if they were telling the truth? How could you stop it?